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Journey Map

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Sheep and Wheat

Yours truly driving the header, watching out for rocks

The pet Roo

The tip - some old family cars and old wrecks which were thrashed around in the fields by the farmers sons. One was totalled in a rear end smash which left the 12 year old driver a bit worse for wear.
Giant tyres used as stands for water tanks.

I am spending some more time farming and have moved down the the wheat belt East of Geraldton, a town called Perenjori.
The farm is 20kms from town and smaller than the last I visited with about 12'000 acres of wheat, lupins and 3000 sheep. Harvest has just finished on this farm and it has been a relatively good year. 4 years ago there was a 2 year drought and many of the farmers had to get jobs in the mines up North as they were not taking a yield they could survive on.

So I managed to get a drive in the neighbours combine harvester or 'header' as they call them here. That was the last day of harvest so I think I was pretty lucky. The yield was around 2 to 3 tonnes per hectare and I didnt hit any rocks. Phew!

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